About Us

An estimated 880 million people around the world and 154 million people in India do not have access to clean, potable water. AquaSafi™ was set up to provide these underprivileged across the developing world with access to safe drinking water while opening up employment and micro-entrepreneurship avenues.

To kick start our mission, we chose the state of Karnataka, India. An extensive survey in Karnataka revealed that 60% of sources tested exceeded 1 ppm of fluoride, 20% of sources tested positive for nitrate contamination, while 38% had bacteriological contamination. * (Arghyam Survey of Household Water and Sanitation in Karnataka 2008-09)

AquaSafi™, armed with its proprietary RO technology has established state-of-the-art water purification units across several villages in Gadag district in Karnataka, partnering with an NGO, SKDRDP and the local Panchayat. It now plans to expand its campaign to other villages and states.

Those 880 million children, women, and men in developing countries who get their drinking water from unsafe sources.

Those who suffer from more than a billion episodes of gastroenteritis annually due to poor water quality.

Those 1.7 million who die every year from water borne illnesses, including 5,000 children per day who die from diarrhea.

Parallax Effect - Perfected